YouTube quotes more than 80 million video code

 YouTube quotes more than 80 million video code

YouTube quotes more than 80 million video code
YouTube quotes more than 80 million video code

YouTube quotes more than 80 million video code

Video sharing leading video 'YouTube' has deleted over 80 million videos based on violations of rules in 3 months.

According to a foreign news agency, YouTube's popular web site YouTube has claimed in its Infrastructure report that it has eliminated 83 lakh videos from October last year. 

According to the report, videos that were removed were 91 million against videos related to hate-contented content, which showed 47 million people complaints, the Code of Conduct indicated 67 million videos. Which was 

subsequently damaged after sending various inspectors.
YouTube's main step to prevent violent videos and critical issues

YouTube officials say that the number of countries who complain and complained about most videos included America, Russia, Britain, Mexico, Turkey, India, Brazil, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Are there The fingerprints of the deleted videos have been saved so that they can detect if these videos are uploaded again.

YouTube quotes more than 80 million video code YouTube quotes more than 80 million video code Reviewed by Tech Shehdadzai on April 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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